Please join us for worship at 9 a.m. Sunday mornings at 4829 Cumberland Highway, in Larimer Township. We are located where Cumberland Highway (Rt. 160) meets McKenzie Hollow Road and White Oak Hollow Road.
Mission Statement of Mt. Carmel Lutheran Church:
We are baptized Children of God here to praise the Lord, nurture and help each other, and reach out to others. We commit ourselves to give freely, to teach, to share fellowship -- with each other, the sick, the needy, and our absent Members.
Congregational Activities and Projects
We keep busy at Mt. Carmel! We meet weekly for worship, and would love for you to join us. Some of our activities include dinners and Movie Nights. We sing at a local nursing home several times per year. We are extra busy at Christmas time. We have special Lenten collections for the Lutheran World Hunger Appeal.
Cemetery Plots
Cemetery plots are available in the White Oak Cemetery for $400.
Call 814-442-3467 for information.
Please join us for worship at 11 a.m. Sunday mornings at the corner of Center & Adams Streets in Garrett.
Bible Study: Tuesday mornings at 9:30 AM.
Who are we?
We are the Lutheran congregation in Garrett, PA. We gather for worship on Sunday mornings to praise God and hear God's word proclaimed. We have weekly Bible Study from September through early May. We also enjoy fellowship events. We would love for you to join us!
Our Activities and Projects
Our congregation participates in a number of ecumenical activities, including the joint Garrett Vacation Bible School. In normal years, a number of our members join in with the Garrett United Methodist Church's annual Christmas and Easter Cantatas. In December, we have special offerings each week to support different area charities, such as Christmas Coats, Toys for Tots, and the local food pantry.
We are located at the corner of Center and Adams Streets in Garrett, one block from Jackson Street (Rt. 653).
Mailing Address: PO Box 175, Garrett, PA 15542
GPS coordinates: Latitude:39.8638201 Longitude: -79.0595718

Welcome! We are St John's, the ELCA congregation in the town of Addison, Pennsylvania. Please join us for worship at 9 a.m. Sundays at 653 Main Street, Addison.
Bible Study: Tuesday afternoons, 1 p.m.
We gather to worship with weekly services of Holy Communion each Sunday morning. Please join us as we praise God and hear God's Word!
We hold weekly Bible Study on Tuesdays at 1 p.m., September through December, and March through May. We share social times, holding dinners and game nights. We're involved in community activities, like the annual National Road Festival.
Service is important to us at St. John's. For years, St. John hosted a Tuesday Workers group with members from our church and the wider community, making dozens of blankets each year for Lutheran World Relief and quilts for people in the community. While that group no longer meets, we still engage in many service projects. We also take up Christmas and Easter offerings designated to help neighbors in need and charitable causes.
We celebrated our 200th Anniversary in 2013. We had several special activities throughout the year, including an 1813-style worship service, and a big anniversary worship service with our synodical Bishop preaching and presiding. We also held dinner events with presentations about our congregation's history.
Ecumenical activities are important to us! The Addison Methodist Church is our next-door neighbor. We hold joint Wednesday evening services during Advent and Lent, and cooperate with many other activities.
Mission Statement of St. John and St. Paul Lutheran Churches:
We the congregations of St. John's Lutheran Church and St. Paul's Lutheran Church, created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, commit ourselves to go forth and spread the good news by fulfilling our obligations to family, neighbors, and society; to encourage one another to be faithful in our vocations; to seek the wisdom of the Holy Spirit in the issues of our time, and to speak Christ's message of healing love to the sick, comfort to the grieving, and forgiveness to the penitent. We pledge ourselves to cooperate and work with the whole church and with other congregations in our area, in order to bear effective witness to God's love, to open our doors and hearts to all the spirit sends to us, to invite members, friends, and neighbors to our fellowship in the church, and to undertake in the name of Christ the burden of the needy and abused, and to use our resources and properties in the mission of Christ.
Please join us for worship at 10:30 a.m. Sunday morning at 1677 Mt. Davis Rd., Fort Hill, PA
We are a small, friendly, congregation, worshiping near the highest point of Pennsylvania. Our cozy congregation is located in the midst of cornfields and woods. Worship here is in the older tradition, using the 1958 Service Book and Hymnal, though we add a few more modern elements to our services. We gather each Sunday to worship God with a service of Holy Communion. We would love for you to join us!
We are mindful of the needs of our neighbors, taking up offerings for neighbors in need and contributing to local food banks and far-away disaster relief efforts.
We are located on Mount Davis Road in Addison Township, between the High Point Lake and Listonburg.
Physical Address: 1677 Mt. Davis Rd, Fort Hill, PA